Llanarth Fawr Community Council
Llanarth Fawr Community Council

Llanarth Fawr Community Council exists to serve you

Llanarth Fawr Community Council hold bi-monthly meetings  - usually the 2nd Tuesday every other month but please see the "Meeting Dates" for confirmed details of dates and venues.


The Llanarth Fawr Community Council are Statutory Consultees on planning matters, from Monmouthshire County Council  and if required they hold extra "planning meetings" or extra meetings for items that require full consideration between the normal scheduled meetings.


At the meeting Community Councillors consider a range of local matters including, highways issues, planning matters and other local community issues.


There is a 15 minute "Public Assembly" held at the start of the A.G.M. during which members of the public are welcome to briefly speak with Community Councillors on issues relating to the local communities. Should you wish to speak with a Councillor at other times please contact the Clerk who will be pleased to facilitiate your request.

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© Llanarth Fawr Community Council